Feel Your Way Thru, When You Can’t Think Your Way Out: Advice from a Classic Overachiever

When it comes to emotional intelligence, I’m far from gifted. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t do feelings. I find particular safety in the realm of the cerebral, detached analytic. No, it’s not healthy. Yes, I’m working on it. Especially lately, since feelings and emotions seem  to be getting in the way of my […]

Huey Newton Complexes

Whatever does one mean by the phrase, “Huey Newton Complex(es)”?  So glad you asked.  A Huey Newton Complex is a rather snarky, yet awesomely witty way of describing a light skinned person crunk about (their) blackness in ways that, perhaps, obscure other realities that may indeed inflect (their) blackness–like gender identification, sexuality, economic class, or […]

how do you solve a problem like montana?

Since Montana Fishburne’s ignoble entry into public consciousness, many have publically chastised Laurence Fishburne’s teenage daughter for lack of sense, sanity and unblemished behind. I am less interested in casting stones and more interested in the trauma behind the tragedy and without a doubt her porn debut is tragic. Remember her in the CarltonJordan.com video […]