How to Piss Off an Indian (Advice from an Indian-American Feminist)

For me, this recent HuffPo article really struck a nerve. Cleverly disguised as flattery, this article so effortlessly reduces Indian people to their “datability” and crushes a culture of 28 states, numerous faiths and hundreds of languages into one spiffy little assessment. The author, Andrea Miller, who is married to an Indian man, mentions 7 […]

War(rior) Women: For Harriet, Shoshana, and All the Rest

When I think of Black women’s relationship to the military, to war, and to soldier narratives more generally, I’m reminded that our motivations are often times fundamentally different and that our stories, like our lives, are unfairly ephemeral,  fading quickly into the background. Black feminism would not be the same without one Black female war […]