Moving Forward

Dear Readers,

We have been moving through a season of transition here at the CFC. We are choosing to be transparent with you, our community of readers, about these transitions because we are accountable to you, not only for what we say publicly but for the integrity that undergirds our message. Some members have formally decided to leave the collective. Many of you read Moya’s farewell post last week. The CFC simply would not be the group or entity it is without the labor of love that Moya provided for the past three years, and we are deeply grateful for all she has done to make this work a success. We send best wishes to all collective members who are moving on to new things. Movement work is difficult, and we are acutely aware of the ways in which internal conflict has detrimentally impacted prior generations of feminist activists. We remain committed to the work of providing a safe and accessible space for feminist conversation, inquiry, and advocacy. However, we are putting concrete strategies for moving forward in place that will help us to ensure that our content reflects the range of political commitments that we share and that will create a culture of sustainability by helping us work better together. We will continue to bring you great social commentary on politics, popular culture, and self-care, with increased attention to queer issues and queer people of color (qpoc) communities. We will post at the blog on a reduced schedule over the next few weeks as we work out the kinks, and then we will return to a regular posting schedule. We appreciate your support.


Yours in struggle,



5 thoughts on “Moving Forward

  1. thank you, CFC, for your transparency and particularly for making safe and adequate space for moya, as a person who is departing, to share openly about her transition from the movement. your sharing helps all of us who follow your work to understand better such inevitable shifts when we are in relationship – with ourselves and others. your sharing helps us to live better with the reality that life is fluid and impermanent and as such we can still be ok.

  2. Thank you for leading by example. We all know how hard it is to work together at times. That can become an even bigger challenge when trying to gather strong-minded, independent women together in one space. We are all evolving, every single day and when we move apart from each other, we still need to respect each other and our individual choices. You have shown that here at the CFC…proving that civility and class are not completely dead. Not yet.

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